Why I think more Christians need therapy.

Adisas Chronicles
9 min readMay 23, 2020

For 2 months last year, every fortnight I walked into the office of a middle aged white man with mousy brown hair who likes to take photos of war memorials and loves Jesus.

He was my therapist.

I had stalked him on social media before the start of our first session. If I was going to be pouring out my heart to him, I wanted to know certain things about him first (he doesn’t know this, so when you do read this Jeremy, I promise it was only once).

I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s go back a bit.

Why I decided to get therapy

I am an over-thinker, and I don’t mean that in a cute sense.

It can be a strength. My overthinking can lead to empathy. I am always trying to see things from other people’s perspectives. I am concerned about how the things I say may be received, and I aim to be all things to all men without compromising. I take a lot of time before making decisions.

However, even Superman’s super strength has its cons. With the same strength he uses to rescue nations, he may kill his loved ones if he holds them too tightly.

My overthinking (which can lead to empathy) can also lead to people pleasing. Or depression. When I have experienced painful situations, I can replay them…



Adisas Chronicles

Writer. Decent cook. Ambivert. Movie Lover. Book reader. Food eater. Life live'er.